
Last, First Name (print large and clear): Dotson, Timmale_____________________________________

What name do you prefer to be called in class?  Tim________________________________

Major: General Studies                 Year in school:1

Why are you taking this course?  What drew you to a journalism class?

Im taking this course to get a better understanding of the media world. My interest for writing drew me to take this journalism course.

Is there a type of journalism or writing you are interested in?

I am really into creative writing

What career plans are you considering?

Im considering a career In the entertainment industry as a musician

What do you like to do when you aren’t in class or studying?

I love to make/listen to music and hang out with my friends and family

If you have a job, what is it, and where do you work?

I consider being a student a job, so CCD

Tell me something about yourself to help me remember you:

It’s not TAMALE its TIM-MALE lol

Tell me what mass media you enjoy, in this order:

Web sites: Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, and worldstarhiphop.com

Sound recordings (formerly known as music):

Usually Hip Hop, Gangster rap, r&b, and oldies

Radio stations:

XM radio (Hip Hop Nation) XM radio (The Heat)

TV shows (network and cable):

BET, MTV, Comedy Central, and fox news


Life, The Sixth Man, Friday, 40 year old virgin…. the list goes on and on


I don’t really read the newspaper to much i need to get into that a little more


Fly, The Source, and XXL are my favorite magazines


Letters to a young Brother by Hill Harper is my favorite book


Geico commercials lol

What other considerations should I understand to help you be successful in this course?

There are no considerations I am a pretty average student

Where can you go to get help with your writing?

My former English teachers

What is my policy on being tardy to class?

If you are more than 15 minutes late you’re absent

What is my policy on turning in late work?

You do not accept it

How can you earn extra credit?

I can write a letter to the Campus Connection editor

—Adapted from Phyllis V. Larsen, University of Nebraska–Lincoln

1 Response to About

  1. If you need help with your writing, go the WRITING CENTER in SO 142 (if your former Eng. teachers aren’t available).

    Welcome to class. I will try not to call you Tamale again. “Try” being the key word there.

    I am the man you need to talk to if you want to get into creative writing, and I am happy to have a student that is excited to write.

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